Stockwood Studio OPEN Wednesday - Friday 10-2:30

'Gieshas' Block Of The Month Project

One Saturday a couple of months ago a lady called Margaret Bradly and her husband called into the shop with a wonderful surprise.

The story begins back in August 2014 when Margaret and her husband can to our stand at the Festival of Quilts and they saw our then new Block of the Month “Geishas”.

He said to her “Why are you not making that?” 

She said “Because you haven’t bought it for me yet”

I found the joining up form and the rest is history.  Over the last four years Margaret has caught up with me at shows or in the shop keeping me up to date on progress.  As she has gone along she has played with the design, making it her own, including changing the fans to include some gold lace she made herself!

So recently the completed quilt arrived in the shop and WOW it looked awesome. 

From my point of view as the designer and maker of our shop sample it is wonderful to think someone firstly liked your design enough to start the project and then fell in love with it enough to add a bit of themselves into it.

On Sunday, Village Fabrics attended the Quilters Fair at The Maltings, Farnham and once again Margaret caught up with me.  This time to tell me that she had entered Geisha’s in the Village Green Quilters exhibition at the event and had won a Judges Choice First Place!

The judges were very complementary about the design and the execution.  Both Margaret and I were really chuffed. 

All our patchwork/applique kits and Block of the Months are unique to Village Fabrics and Margaret has made this one unique to herself.  Wonderful.

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